
A start-up video game company named “Tapcore Games” was established in the winter of 2022. They are a mobile game company with a vision to become one of the most popular and reputable gaming franchises in the field. They have their core values of being fun, ambitious, detail-oriented and disciplined. Their mission is to create exceptional game franchises that do not rely heavily on making consumers spend money in order to have fun in the game. This company takes their products seriously, making sure that their games are of top-quality and rely heavily on customer satisfaction.


For my senior capstone class, I decided to create a fictional mobile game company called “Tapcore Games”. The company needed a brand identity that caters to the core values of being fun and ambitious.


After doing some research of the company, as well as the ideation process, I came up with a bold company logo that shows a pop of energy and confidence.

Roles & Duration

Timeline: 2 months

Role: Art Direction, Packaging

Team: Solo Project

Tools: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign

Process: Research, Ideation, Design, Reflection


Visual Research

I wanted to take a look at the competitive market for current popular video game companies in the industry. I researched the logos and found a bit of a commonality to them. They use highly saturated hues and it contrasts with the other colors (Play 2 Earn Studios).


Logo & Moodboard

After doing my research, I decided to sketch some logos for Tapcore Games. I was able to come up with five variations. After getting useful feedback from my professors and peers, I went with the fourth logo idea.


Design & Application

I decided to go with a bright orange color for the logo because it represents excitement, passion and ambition which correlates to the brand values. The typography was inspired by the “8-bit pixel” style of video games to give a sense of nostalgia for current gamers. Afterwards, I started to create the packaging for the buttons, stickers, tote bag and boxes.


Final Thoughts

Tapcore Games is a fictional start-up company with the mission to become one of the greatest mobile game company on a global scale. They want consumers to enjoy a game without the need to spend a penny to have a fun time. This new brand system will cater to those who are looking for a new adventure!


Icebreaker Cafe


Uplift: Mental Wellness App